.. _kv-layout: KV-Cache Layout in FlashInfer ============================= Layout: NHD/HND --------------- FlashInfer provides two layouts for last 3 dimensions in KV-Cache: ``NHD`` and ``HND``: - ``NHD``: the last 3 dimensions are organized as ``(seq_len, num_heads, head_dim)``. - ``HND``: the last 3 dimensions are organized as ``(num_heads, seq_len, head_dim)``. The ``NHD`` layout is more natural because it's consistent with the output of :math:`xW_k` and :math:`xW_v` without transpose. The ``HND`` layout is more friendly for GPU implementation when KV-Cache uses low-precision data type (e.g. fp8). In practice we don't observe significant performance difference between these two layouts on fp16 kV-Cache and we prioritize ``NHD`` layout for better readability. FlashInfer implements Attention kernels on both layouts and we provide an option to select between them (``NHD`` by default). .. _ragged-layout: Ragged Tensor ------------- In batched inference/serving, the input sequence length may vary across different samples. When there is no need to change the sequence length (e.g. in prefilling stage), we can use ``RaggedTensor`` with a single ragged (variable length) dimension to store the key/value tensors in KV-Cache: .. image:: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/flashinfer-ai/web-data/main/tutorials/ragged.png :width: 400 :align: center :alt: Data structure of Ragged KV-Cache. The keys (or values) of all requests are packed into a single ``data`` tensor without padding, we use a ``indptr`` array (``num_requests+1`` elements, the first element is always zero) to store the information of variable sequence lengths of each request (``indptr[i+1]-indptr[i]`` is the sequence length of request ``i``), the ``data`` tensor has shape ``(indptr[-1], num_heads, head_dim)`` when the layout is ``NHD``. We can use ``data[indptr[i]:indptr[i+1]]`` to slice the keys (or values) of request ``i``. .. note:: ``indptr`` arrays across the flashinfer library should be of type ``int32``. Arrays of type ``int64`` can cause indexing errors. FlashInfer APIs ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ FlashInfer provides :class:`flashinfer.prefill.BatchPrefillWithRaggedKVCacheWrapper` to compute the prefill attention between queries stored in ragged tensor and keys/values stored in ragged KV-Cache. .. _mask-layout: Mask Layout (2D Ragged Tensor) ------------------------------ The aforementioned Ragged Tensor can be generalized to multiple "ragged" dimensions. For example, the attention mask in FlashInfer is a 2D ragged tensor for batch size greater than 1: .. image:: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/flashinfer-ai/web-data/main/tutorials/mask-layout.png :width: 800 :align: center :alt: Data structure of Mask Layout. When number of requests is greater than 1, different request might have different query length and kv length. To avoid padding, we use a 2D ragged tensor to store attention mask. The input ``qo_indptr`` and ``kv_indptr`` arrays (both with length ``num_requests+1``) are used to store the information of variable sequence lengths of each request, ``qo_indptr[i+1]-qo_indptr[i]`` is the query length of request ``i`` (``qo_len[i]``), ``kv_indptr[i+1]-kv_indptr[i]`` is the kv length of request ``i`` (``kv_len[i]``). The mask array of all requests are flattened (with query as the first dimension, and kv as last dimension) and concatenated into a single 1D array: ``mask_data``. FlashInfer will create a ``qk_indptr`` array implicitly to store the start offset of each request's mask in the flattened mask array: ``qk_indptr[1:] = cumsum(qo_len * kv_len)``. ``mask_data`` has shape ``(qk_indptr[-1],)``, we can use ``mask_data[qk_indptr[i]:qk_indptr[i+1]]`` to slice the flattened mask of request ``i``. To save memory, we can further packes the boolean flattened boolean mask array into a bit-packed array (1 bit per element, 8 elements are packed together as a `uint8`) with "little" bit-order (see `numpy.packbits `_ for more details). FlashInfer accepts both boolean mask and bit-packed mask. If boolean mask is provided, FlashInfer will pack it into bit-packed array internally. FlashInfer APIs ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ :class:`flashinfer.prefill.BatchPrefillWithPagedKVCacheWrapper` and :class:`flashinfer.prefill.BatchPrefillWithRaggedKVCacheWrapper` allow user to specify ``qo_indptr``, ``kv_indptr`` and custom attention mask ``custom_mask`` in ``begin_forward`` functions, the mask data will be added to the attention score before softmax (and after softmax scaling) in the attention kernel. :meth:`flashinfer.quantization.packbits` and :meth:`flashinfer.quantization.segment_packbits` are the utility functions to pack boolean mask into bit-packed array. .. _page-layout: Page Table Layout ----------------- When KV-Cache is dynamic (e.g. in append or decode stage), packing all keys/values is not efficient because the sequence length per request changes over time. `vLLM `_ proposes to organize KV-Cache as a Page Table. In FlashInfer, we treat the page-table as a block sparse matrix (each used page can be viewed as an non-zero block in block sparse matrix) and uses the `CSR format `_ to index the pages in KV-Cache. .. image:: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/flashinfer-ai/web-data/main/tutorials/page_layout.png :width: 800 :align: center :alt: Data structure of Paged KV-Cache. For each request, we keep an record of its ``page_indices``, ``last_page_len`` which tracks the pages used by this request and the number of entries in the last page. The KV sequence length of request ``i`` is ``page_size * (len(page_indices[i]) - 1) + last_page_length[i]``. .. note:: The ``last_page_len`` of each request must be greater than zero, and less than or equal to ``page_size``. The overall ``kv_indptr`` array (with length ``num_requests+1``) can be computed as: ``[0, len(page_indices[0]), len(page_indices[0])+len(page_indices[1]), ...]``. The overall ``kv_page_indices`` array (with length ``kv_indptr[-1]``) is the concatenation of all requests' ``page_indices``. The overall ``kv_last_page_lens`` array (with length ``num_requests``) is the concatenation of all requests' ``last_page_length``. The ``kv_data`` tensor could either be a single 5-D tensor or a tuple of 4-D tensors, when stored in a single tensor, ``kv_data`` has shape: .. code:: python (max_num_pages, 2, page_size, num_heads, head_dim) # NHD layout (max_num_pages, 2, num_heads, page_size, head_dim) # HND layout when stored in a tuple of tensors, ``kv_data = (k_data, v_data)``, and each one of them has shape: .. code:: python (max_num_pages, page_size, num_heads, head_dim) # NHD layout (max_num_pages, num_heads, page_size, head_dim) # HND layout where ``max_num_pages`` is the maximum number of pages used by all requests, ``page_size`` is the number of tokens we fit into each page. ``2`` in single tensor storage means K/V (first one for keys, the second one for values). .. note:: ``indptr`` arrays across the flashinfer library should be of type ``int32``. Arrays of type ``int64`` can cause indexing errors. This is also true of the ``kv_page_indices`` and ``kv_last_page_lens`` arrays. FlashInfer APIs ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ :meth:`flashinfer.page.append_paged_kv_cache` can append a batch of keys/values (stored as ragged tensors) to the paged KV-Cache (the pages for these appended keys/values must be allocated prior to calling this API). :class:`flashinfer.decode.BatchDecodeWithPagedKVCacheWrapper` and :class:`flashinfer.prefill.BatchPrefillWithPagedKVCacheWrapper` implements the decode attention and prefill/append attention between queries stored in ragged tensors and keys/values stored in paged KV-Cache. .. _cascade-inference-data-layout: Multi-level Cascade Inference Data Layout ----------------------------------------- When using multi-level `cascade inference `_, the query and output are stored in ragged tensors, and KV-Cache of all levels are stored in a unified Paged KV-Cache. Each level has a unique ``qo_indptr`` array which is the prefix sum of the accumulated number of tokens to append in the subtree, as well as ``kv_page_indptr``, ``kv_page_indices``, and ``kv_last_page_len`` which has same semantics as in :ref:`page-layout` section. The following figure introduce how to construct these data structures for append attention operation for 8 requests where we treat their KV-Cache as 3 levels for prefix reuse: .. image:: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/flashinfer-ai/web-data/main/tutorials/cascade_inference_data_layout.png :width: 800 :align: center :alt: Cascade inference data layout. Note that we don't have to change the data layout of ragged query/output tensor or paged kv-cache for each level. All levels share the same underlying data layout, but we use different ``qo_indptr`` / ``kv_page_indptr`` arrays so that we can view them in different ways. FlashInfer APIs ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ FlashInfer provides :class:`flashinfer.cascade.MultiLevelCascadeAttentionWrapper` to compute the cascade attention. FAQ --- How do FlashInfer manages KV-Cache? FlashInfer itself is not responsible for managing the page-table (pop and allocate new pages, etc.) and we leave the strategy to the user: different serving engine might have different strategies to manage the page-table. FlashInfer is only responsible for computing the attention between queries and keys/values stored in KV-Cache.